Easy Denture: Affordable Dentures Without a Trip to the Dentist

Simply order Easy Denture
online and self-fit at home.
Quality acrylic dentures,
patent-pending design.

Revolutionizing the Denture
- Boil & Bite, Immediate Denture
- Three Layer Denture with NuvoFlex FlexFit Material
- Customize and refit up to 20x times
- No impressions or sizing tray because our dentures, including the teeth, are fully adaptable for wide and narrow arches
- Backup, temporary, or long-term solution
- 2020 Gold Edison of the Year Award – for Top Dental Innovation
- Patent Pending Denture Design
What Real Easy Denture Users Have to Say:
“I’ve been a denture wearer for approximately 30 years…I will never buy another denture unless it’s an Easy Denture.”
— Kaycee, Easy Denture Customer
Watch the Full Video Above
“[With Easy Denture] I can eat normally now. All of the angst and anxiety and worry that I had with my traditional broken denture disappeared. People are shocked to learn that I have dentures.”
– Dave, Easy Denture Customer
Watch Full Video Above

Choosing the Right
Size Easy Denture

Easy Denture
Self-Fitting Process

Frequently Asked Questions
about Easy Denture

- Order Easy Denture online
- Denture arrives: Read directions and watch the instructional video
- Unpackage and Boil the denture for 60 seconds
- Remove and let it cool for 60 seconds
- Place in your mouth and mold it around your gums for 180 seconds
- Remove from your mouth prior to it fully hardening/curing
- Let the product cool to room temperature – it’s now ready to be used
During the self-fitting process, most customers reboil/remold 2-3 times to achieve a comfortable fit – you can reboil up to 20 times.
Easy Denture: $197
An Immediate denture solution.
Traditional Denture
- First trip to the dentist to get molds made
- Molds are sent to a lab for casting
- Molds sent back to the dentist
- Second trip to the dentist for custom fitting
- Denture is sent back to the lab for alterations
- Refined denture is sent back to the dentist
- Third trip to the dentist for final fitting and delivery
Patients may spend 8+ hours in a dental office and often wait weeks to receive their dentures.
Average Cost: $1,500+
Traditional dentures cost between $800-5,000 and take up to 12 weeks.
Revolutionary 3-Layer Design:
- High-Quality Acrylic Dentures (Not 3D Printed)
- The entire denture, including teeth, flexes while heated during the self-fitting process to ensure a comfortable, custom fit for narrow or wide arches
- Our 3-layer design provides long-term rigidity
- High-quality, impact resistant, 4xs stronger than traditional denture teeth
- Winner of the 2020 Edison Award for the Top Dental Invention
- Used by over 1,000 Dentist
- The only FDA-registered denture, patent pending
Watch Now: Easy Denture Self-Fitting Video
Order Online and Self-fit at Home
We make it easy and affordable to have a great smile and comfortable fit without a trip to the dentist.

A Comparison of Easy Denture to Other Online Denture: Why Flexibility Makes All the Difference
How does Easy Denture stack up against its online competitors? Let’s dive into a detailed comparison of Easy Denture, focusing on the unique features and benefits that set it apart.
Easy Denture Customer Support and Frequently Asked Questions.
Our team is here to ease any concerns, answer any questions, and make you feel comfortable and supported during your Easy Denture journey.
Continue Reading Easy Denture Customer Support and Frequently Asked Questions.
Benefits of Boil and Bite Dentures
Ordering Easy Denture boil and bite dentures online is a fast, affordable option to traditional dentures. Easy Denture’s advancement in technology allows customers to achieve a comfortable, custom fit, making the at-home self-fitting process simple.